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Ege University

Ege University (EGE), is the 4th founded university of Turkey and the region’s first and oldest university since 1955. The first two faculties of EGE were the Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Agriculture. EGE, having completed its entire establishment in a span of 20 years, added new faculties, institutions, and schools to its academic units. In 1982, the bisection of EGE facilitated the foundation of Dokuz Eylül University with the handover of many pre-established faculties and graduate schools. Furthermore, the faculties and graduate schools of EGE in various provinces and districts were later assigned to become the first faculties and graduate schools of Afyon Kocatepe University, Pamukkale University, Celal Bayar University, and Adnan Menderes University.
In 2019, EGE includes 17 Faculties, 9 Institutes, 4 Graduate Schools, 1 State Conservatory of Turkish Music, 10 Vocational Schools, 6 Rectorate Units, and 37 Application and Research Centres. In the academic year 2017-2018, EGE hosted a total number of 65,587 students, 55,875 of which are undergraduate and associate degree students, and 9,712 are postgraduate students. The university has 3,156 academic staff and 6,347 administrative staff members.

Ege Universitesi Kampusu, Izmir 35100, Turkey