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Sleep Revolution General Assembly in Reykjavik

The Sleep Revolution General Assembly is a yearly physical meeting for all participants in the Sleep Revolution project. This year the General Assembly was held in Reykjavik, Iceland May 22nd and 23rd. The General Assembly was held after the Nordic Sleep Conference which was held in Reykjavik May 18th until 20th. It was very convenient for our participants to combine both events in Iceland.


The first day of the General Assembly was used to give an update about every Work Package (WP) by the WP leaders and discuss general project management and developments. There were good discussions between the participants and plenty of room to ask questions and share ideas. There was also discussion about organizing more Focus Groups and the idea was presented about forming a Collaboration Group to further stimulate and enhance collaboration and exchange of scientific ideas and knowledge within our project.


On the second day workshops were offered to prepare the upcoming ESADA studies that 24 centers are taking part in, as devices are being prepared to ship and patient trials are set to begin once all ethical approvals are in. All participants got the opportunity to attend those workshops during our General Assembly where all procedures where explained. Furthermore, all participants discussed project progress and shared ideas about the future of the Sleep Revolution.


We thank everyone for participating in the 2023 General Assembly in Iceland!