Work package 12: Standardization and dissemination
Lead: European Sleep Research Society
Work Package 12 involves the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS), which is the principal society dealing with sleep medicine and sleep science in Europe. The role of ESRS in the project is to facilitate the co-ordination and dissemination of findings from the many research projects carried out by the Sleep Revolution consortium. This will be achieved by presentations at the bi-annual congress of ESRS, which is attended by about 2,000 participants, and by publications in the society journal, the Journal of Sleep Research, which is one of the highest impact sleep journals worldwide. Work Package 12 will also include the employment of a research methodologist by ESRS, funded by Sleep Revolution, whose role will be to facilitate systematic reviews and meta-analyses of existing publications relating to relevant topics for the project. This work will help clarify the existing evidence base for relevant research topics and to identify relevant topics for further research.

European Sleep Research Society e.V.

Reykjavik University