Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon
Universidade de Lisboa’s (UL) origins can be traced back to 1290. In its current structure, UL has 18 schools, 50,000 students, 6,200 academic and non-academic staff, and 81 research units accounting for 7,400 international projects. Faculdade de Medicina (FMUL; School of Medicine) is one of UL’s schools, holding courses of Medicine, Nutrition Sciences, and other specialisation courses in the health area. In the academic year 2019/20, FMUL has 3,000 students enrolled and 800 academic and non-academic staff. FMUL is a reputed academic and research institution, to which the Lisbon Academic Medical Centre belongs, which pioneered the concept in Portugal of combining academia (teaching and research) with the largest academic hospital in the country. T scientific production in 2019 was of ca. 230 documents. FMUL is organised into several structural units, including 12 institutes such as the Instituto de Saúde Ambiental (ISAMB). ISAMB is a young research institute, formally constituted in 2013, which received a “Very Good” classification in 2019 by an international panel of experts working for the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology.

Avenida Professor Egas Moniz, Edificio Hostpital Santa Maria, Lisboa 1649-028, Portucal