Dr. Harald Hrubos-Strøm
Dr. Harald Hrubos-Strøm holds a position at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology. He will be the Norwegian PI of the project. He is a clinician and a researcher with interest in the physiology of the upper airways, sleep apnoea diagnostics, and novel treatment solutions. Dr Hrubos-Strøm has an MD from the University of Bergen and a PhD from the University of Oslo. After obtaining his PhD, he has specialised in otorhinolaryngology and co-supervised one PhD student. He is currently the main supervisor of two PhD students, acting leader of the otorhinolaryngology research group at A-HUS, and national leader of the NordSleep project. He also holds an expert certificate as a Somnologist from the European Sleep Research Society. There is already an established collaboration between Dr. Hrubos-Strøm and Dr. Arnardottir through co-authorship of two recent articles exploring the role of the nose in sleep apnoea.