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Jacopo Piccini

My background is Aerospace Engineering, in which I have obtained a Bachelor’s Degree and a M.Sc. In my M.Sc. I had the opportunity to understand how methods from control theory can be applied to a variety of fields. Within the Sleep Revolution Project, I am now  investigating how these methods can be used to derive a mathematical model of the electrodermal system to better understand electrodermal sleep activity.

Research Interests



Piccini, J., August, E., Óskarsdóttir, M., Arnardóttir, E.S. (2023). Using the Electrodermal Activity Signal and Machine Learning for Diagnosing Sleep . Front. Sleep 2:1127697.

Link to publication


Piccini, J., August, E., Hafstein S. Andersen S. (2023). Sufficient Stability Conditions for a Class of Switched Systems with Multiple Steady States. IEEE Control Systems Letter. 

Link to publication