OnAir Podcast on how Sleep Revolution shakes up the Future of Sleep Medicine

In this episode of the “OnAir” podcast, Erna Sif Arnardóttir, principal investigator of the EU-funded Sleep Revolution project, explains how the ambitious initiative aims to transform diagnostic methods for #SleepDisorderedBreathing In a wide-ranging interview with host Nina Wiklund, Erna Sif Arnardóttir also discusses the importance of multi-night diagnostics, whether AHI is sufficient as parameter to classify the severity of OSA, and how digital tools – such as apps and wearables – and cooperation between different entities could transform the future of sleep medicine. OnAir is a podcast with Clinical Respiratory News, a podcast that brings fresh insights and thought-provoking discussions about hot topics in respiratory care and sleep-disordered breathing.
Listen to the Podcast for free here or find it on Spotify or Apple Podcast.